Our company offers you the service of decommissioning constructions and metal installations, moving teams of cutters to your headquarters, including the transport and recovery of the resulting waste. We collect from companies and individuals reusable ferrous or non-ferrous materials (iron, copper, aluminum, etc.), plastic waste, paper waste, cardboard, waste batteries.
Ferrous scrap metal conf. SR 6058-1 / 99 Hard prepared iron: E1, E3
Reusable materials from technological processes: E2
Reusable materials in the form of new tin bales: E6
Reusable materials in the form of old sheet bales: EHRM
Reusable materials from turning (span): E5M, E5H
Non-ferrous metal scrap according to SR 3017-78 Copper: Cu-B1, Cu-B2
The Rabla car park renewal program is addressed to any owner / heir of a natural person or legal entity of a used car registered in Romania and whose age exceeds 8 years. When handing over a car older than 8 years, a ticket worth 6,500 lei will be obtained.